序号 |
论文(或专著、教材)名称 |
作 者 |
署名次序 |
发表(出版)日期 |
刊物、会议名称或出版单位 |
1 |
摩托艇驾驶员培训教程 |
滕宪斌 |
1 |
2016.04 |
哈尔滨工程大学出版社 |
2 |
电子技工英语 |
滕宪斌 |
1 |
2013 |
大连海事大学出版社 |
3 |
基于最小二乘法的曲轴振动不平衡信号分析 |
滕宪斌 |
1 |
2014 |
船舶工程 |
4 |
基于热弹性流体动压润滑的柴油机曲轴主轴承润滑特性分析 |
滕宪斌 |
1 |
2016 |
船舶工程 |
5 |
关于强化安全绿色拆船的探讨 |
滕宪斌 |
1 |
2013 |
武汉船舶职业技术学院学报 |
6 |
浅析以太阳能为动力的远洋货船系统 |
滕宪斌 |
1 |
2014 |
造船技术 |
7 |
船舶V型柴油机曲轴多体动力学分析 |
滕宪斌 |
2015 |
内燃机 |
8 |
以学生为中心的高职轮机英语教学模式改革 |
滕宪斌 |
1 |
2014 |
航海教育研究 |
9 |
基于蚁群算法的柴油机整机振动优化分析 |
滕宪斌 |
1 |
2015 |
中国航海 |
10 |
游艇装饰设计 |
陈爱国 |
1 |
2014.08 |
人民交通出版社 |
11 |
Design ADRC for Cutter Suction Dredger Cutter Motor Variable Frequency Drive System |
白明 |
1 |
2014 |
EI收录号: EI 20143618131850 |
12 |
基于卡尔曼滤波的挖泥船电网谐波监测系统的研究 |
白明 |
2 |
2016 |
船电技术 |
13 |
Parallel Operation Program of Marine Power Station Simulation based on Visual C++ |
白明 |
1 |
2016 |
Advances in Energy Science and Chemical Engineering |
14 |
Design and Implementation of Power Harmonic Monitoring System based on Robust Kalman Filtering |
白明 |
2 |
2016 |
Advances in Material ,Energy and Enviroment Engineering |
15 |
Study of Touch Screen on Marine Power Station Based on Fuzzy PID Control Algorithm |
白明 |
2 |
2016 |
第28中国控制与决策会议(CCDC 2016) |
16 |
A Design of Dredger Cutter Motor Synchronous Speed Control System Based on ADR |
白明 |
2 |
2016 |
第28中国控制与决策会议(CCDC 2016) |
17 |
The Design of Automatic Frequency and Load Modulation of Marine PMS Based on ControlLogix |
白明 |
2 |
2016 |
全球智能控制与自动化大会(WCICA 2016) |
18 |
The Dredger Cutter Motor Control System Based on ADRC Technology |
白明 |
2 |
2016 |
全球智能控制与自动化大会(WCICA 2016) |
19 |
The Design of High Accuracy Differential Positioning Vehicle Terminal Based on BeiDou Navigation System |
白明 |
2 |
2016 |
20 |
基于谐波抑制的船舶节能方案和电磁兼容性研究 |
白明 |
3 |
2016 |
船舶电工专业委员会学术会议论文集 |
21 |
An applied research of improving Kalman filter in dual mode navigation |
白明 |
2 |
2017 |
2017 CCDC(控制与决策)国际会议 |
22 |
Study on GNSS/DR Integrated Navigation |
白明 |
2 |
2017 |
2017 CCDC(控制与决策)国际会议 |
23 |
Study of Marine Power Station Based on Active Disturbance Rejection Control Technique |
白明 |
2 |
2017 |
2017 CCDC(控制与决策)国际会议 |
24 |
INS/BDS integrated navigation filter algorithm based on Unscented Kalman Filter |
白明 |
2 |
2017 |
2017 CCDC(控制与决策)国际会议 |
25 |
舰船波浪运动加速度积分误差纠正与预报技术 |
陈爱国 |
1 |
2013 |
深圳大学学报理工版, |
26 |
Error Processing Techniques of Integral velocity Based on Frequency Spectrum Forecasting |
陈爱国 |
1 |
2014 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials |
27 |
基于风险管理策略的广东区河船监管模式 |
陈爱国 |
1 |
2016 |
船海工程 |
28 |
智能FCL岸控环流港船无缝供电研究 |
肖乐明 |
1 |
2014.10 |
武汉理工大学学报 |
29 |
Research on the Flow Characteristics of Sudden-Reduction Oil Tube |
张志斌 |
1 |
2015.02 |
The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal(EI收录) |
30 |
Research on the effects of pulse-pressure on orifice plate cavications |
张志斌 |
1 |
2013 |
IMAMD2013 |
31 |
Ship damage stability study under typhoon environment |
张志斌 |
1 |
2014 |
EPHH2014 |
32 |
船用燃料电池技术初探 |
叶伟强 |
1 |
2015.06 |
武汉理工大学学报 |
33 |
基于国际标准的航海类人才培养模式改革与实践 |
叶伟强 |
1 |
2015 |
航海教育研究 |
34 |
Research on the effects of pulse-pressure on orifice plate cavications |
张志斌 |
1 |
2013 |
IMAMD2013(EI收录) |
35 |
轮机工程专业“船舶电气及自动化课程”教学问题与建议 |
张志斌 |
1 |
2014 |
航海教育研究 |
36 |
基于有限元结构损伤程度研 |
张志斌 |
1 |
2015 |
广州航海学院学报 |
37 |
基于风险管理策略的预控型海船监管模式的研 |
陈爱国 |
1 |
2016 |
中国航海 |
38 |
Study on Multidimensional Intelligence for Realizing Seamless Power Supply between the Port and Ship |
宋艳琼 |
1 |
2014 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials(ISSN1660-9336) |
39 |
三电平电压型高压变频技术在海洋工程船的应用 |
宋艳琼 |
1 |
2014 |
广州航海学院学报 |
40 |
Research on Power Quality Assessment Improvement of Marine Electric System |
宋艳琼 |
1 |
2015 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials(ISSN1660-9336) |
41 |
海洋工程船的电网谐波抑制方案和仿真研究 |
宋艳琼 |
1 |
2015 |
广州航海学院学报 |
42 |
探讨基于“11规则”轮机自动化课程实践教学环节的改革 |
宋艳琼 |
1 |
2014 |
广州航海学院学报 |
43 |
三电平电压型高压变频技术在海洋工程船的应用 |
宋艳琼 |
1 |
2014 |
广州航海学院学报 |
44 |
Research on Power Quality Assessment Improvement of Marine Electric System |
宋艳琼 |
1 |
2015 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials(ISSN1660-9336) |
45 |
Research on Intelligent FCL to Realize Seamless Power Supply between the Port and Ship for Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction |
宋艳琼 |
1 |
2014 |
Advanced Materials Research(ISSN1022-6680) |
46 |
Mobile On-shore Marine Power Supply System for Harmonic Elimination |
宋艳琼 |
1 |
2014 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials(ISSN1660-9336) |
47 |
Study on Movable Equipment for Realizing On-shore Seamless Power Supply for Berthing Vessels |
宋艳琼 |
1 |
2014 |
Advanced Materials Research(ISSN1022-6680) |
48 |
船用燃料电池技术初探 |
宋艳琼 |
1 |
2015 |
武汉理工大学学报(ISSN 2095-3884 CN42-1824/U) |
49 |
基于触摸屏的分油机控制系统 |
宋艳琼 |
1 |
2013 |
船电技术(ISSN1003-4862 CN42-1267/U) |